Virginia Organization of Kodály Educators
An affiliate chapter of the Organization of American Kodály Educators
Virginia Organization of Kodály Educators
Kodaly Levels Program Scholarship
VOKE is pleased to offer needs-based scholarships to current Virginia music educators who are seeking to complete Kodály levels study.
A limited number of scholarships will be awarded for Summer 2022 Kodály levels study at a Virginia Kodály levels program. Up to $1500 will be awarded which can be used for tuition, application fees, books, travel, and room/board. Applications will be accepted from teachers looking to complete Kodály Level I, II, or III.
To apply, applicants should submit a letter that describes their current teaching position, reasons for pursuing Kodály training, unique financial needs for this scholarship, experience with the Kodály approach, and commitment to incorporating the Kodály concept in the classroom. Applicants who have already completed Level I or II should state so in the letter. Additionally, applicants should include their contact information: mailing address, phone number, and email address. Communication will be delivered via email.
Submit the letter as an email attachment to Ashley Cuthbertson, VOKE President, ashley@virginiakodaly.org. Deadline is June 1, 2022.
To join VOKE, you must be a member of the Organization of American Kodaly Educators.
Make sure to indicate "VOKE" as your local chapter. To join OAKE, please click here.
Benefits of Membership
Reduced rates to local workshops and the national conference
Eligibility for your students to participate in the VOKE Children's Choral Festival
A subscription to The Kodály Envoy, OAKE's quarterly journal
Chapter and divisional newletters
Eligibility for your students to audition for OAKE's National Conference Choir
Eligibility to apply for divisional and national scholarships to further your Kodaly training
Voting privileges and the right to hold office
OAKE Website - members only section that gives you access to membership directory, Lesson Plans and more
Reduced prices on OAKE publications